World in Red issue 2005

Yearbook 2005

LanguageFrench language icon French
EditorIsabelle de Sadeleer
Dimensions320 pages, 240 x 320 mm

In 2001 a brand new high class glossy magazine was launched from Swiss and edited by Laurent Blomet. In the second year, the magazine that until then was fully publised in the French language continued as a bi-lingual publication French / English. Lateron Isabelle de Sadeleer took over as an editor and 11 editions where published until 2004. From 2004 through 2010 the publication continued as an extensive yearbook covering Ferrari events across the world.

Cover of World in Red issue 2005, Yearbook 2005

Table of Contents

Jacques Swaters Foundation

Jacques Swaters

Quel honneur d'avoir été choisi pout annoncer rétrospectivement toute une année d'actualité de cette merveilleuse historie, de cette passion exceptionnelle, de cette aventure fabuleuse, cette de la Ferrari.
Ajourd'hui, les jours où je me retourne, je peux dire que beaucoup de dates ont marqué cette aventure. Tant d'années se sont écoulées depuis sa création. Je luis a conscaré toute ma vie, et comme dans le histoires qui finissent bien, si c'était à refaire ... je n'y changerais rien.
Cette année 2005 fut encore une date pour moi très importante, puisque j'ai eu le privilège, après plus de 20 ans de travail dans l'ombre, d'inaugurer la "Jacques Swaters Foundation", au travers de laquelle je souhaite préserver les souvenirs de ma relation privelégée avec le Commendatore, le vécu de l'Ecurie Franchorchamps, l'historie d'Enzo Ferrari, et la vérité historique.

Max Mosley

Pour tous les amateurs du Cheval Cabré et du Trident, 2005 fut l'année de tous les contrastes. En Formule 1, la nouvelle réglementation technique a abouti à une redistribution des cartes inattendue, qui a mis fin à la domination de la Scuderia Ferrari. Les compétitions de GT en d'endurance ont par contre offert de nombreux motifs de satisfaction. Les Ferrari 550 Manrelloe et 575 GTC ont fait mieux que se défendre face aux Maserati MC12, qui ont signé de fort belle manière le retour du Trident au plus haut niveau en GT-FIA.

Isabelle de Sadeleer

Qu'il s'agisse de succès ou d'échec, l'historie de Ferrar ia toujours été cette de l'excès. En 1975, Niki Lauda signait avec éclat le retour de la Scuderia au sommet de la Formule 1 en remportant son premier titre de Champion du Monde. Trente ans plus tard, le cycle dominateur de Michael Schumacher vient de prendre fin.
Mais le Cheval Cabré s'est une nouvelle fois distingué en GT, notamment face aux Maserati qui ont signé un superbe retour au plus haut niveau.
12Fatti ImportantiFerrari Superamerica / F430 Spider
Avec ces deux nouveautés, le Cavallino Rampante place cette année 2005 sous le signe du cabriolet, avec deux modèles que présentent autant de philosopies, différentes et complémentaires, pour le plaisir de la conduite au grand air.
Dévoitée e navant-première à une poignée de privilégés lors de l'édition 2004 du Concours d'élégance de Pebble Beach puis présentée officiellement en janvier 2005 au Salon de Detroit, la Superamerica est une nouvelle descendante de la prestigieuse dynastie des GT à moteur V12 avant nées à Maranello.
22Fatti importantiLa Revocromico par son créateur
Ferrari Superamerica

Leonardo Fioravanti

Le présentation de l'Alfa Romeo Vola, lors du Salon du Genève 2001, a suscité un énorme intérêt de la part des responsables du monde automobile et des journalistes. M. Felisa, Directeur Général de Ferrari, fut ainsi l'un des premiers à viviter notre stand et, à la fin de l'année suivante, Ferrari nous demandait officiellement d'étudier l'application de notre brevet à Maranello.
26Fatti ImportantiFerrari F430 Challenge
La Ferrari 430 Challenge est dérivée de la berlinetta huit cylindes de route: elle en conserve les lignes générales et le moteur de 490 chevaux. Cette F430 est donc la parfaite continuation de la lignée Challenge et fait bien sûr appel à la technologie de la Formule 1. Ainsi, outre la boîte de vitesses électronique, on toruve pour le première fois sur une version Challenge la système de fainage CCM (matériau carbone -céramique).
27Fatti ImportantiGG50 by Giugiaro

Jean-Philippe Doret

Ferrari SpA

Si Pininfarina a célébré ses 75 ans d'existence avec la spectaculaire Maserati Birdcage 75th, Ferrari s'est de son côté associé en 2005 à un autre anniversaire: les cinquante ans de design automobile du styliste italien Giogietto Giugiaro, fêtés avec cette GG50.
28Fatti ImportantiFerrari FXX: For Exclusive Experts
Happy Birthday Switzerland!

Jean-Philippe Doret

Patrick Payany

Exclusivité a ici valeur de double sens... En effet, le 24 novembre 2005, pas moins de 500 invités se sont retrouvés chez Modena Cars, tout près du Lac Léman. Pour fêter dignement la première année d'existience de cette concession Ferrari Maserati, les FXX et F430 Challenge avaient également effectué le déplacement pour être présentées officiellement à tous les convives.
30Fatti ImportantiDans la peau d'un (gentleman) assayeur
FXX Programme

Jean-Philippe Doret

Patrick Payany

Étrange idée, mais passionante mission que celle dévolue à la FXX: faire de ses clients les plus reconnus d'authentiques pilotes essayeurs du Cavallino Rampante ! A l'issue d'une sévère sélection des futurs acquéreurs, chaque client élu dans le cadre de ce programme d'achat de l'une des vingt voitures construites sera membre à part entière du Team Ferrari, et sera coaché dans chacune de ses séances d'essais par des techniciens et spécialistes maison.
34Fatti ImportantiNow Concepts for the Myth

Jean-Philippe Doret

Ferrari SpA

Outre les exploits en compétition, la légende du Cheval Cabré repose également sur les talents de stylistes qui ont ciselé de véritables sculptures routières d'hier, d'aujord'hui, mais aussi de demain. Ainsi, Ferrari a organisé en 2005 avec son partenaire historiqe Pininfarina un concours de design baptisé New Concepts for the Myth.
36Fatti ImportantiMaserati 75. Birdcage
Le meilleur du passé pour le meilleur de l'avenir

Jean-Philippe Doret

Maserati SpA, DR

Alors que cette année 2005 célèbre les 75 ans de Pininfarina, cette Birdcage 75th effectue un spectaculaire retour à la tradition historique des prototypes sportifs extrémes, ceux-là même qui enchant``erent les années 50 et 60 jusqu'au début des années 70. Cette période optimiste et créative, où le stylisme automobile n'était pas encore devenu une sorte de "pré-étude de marché", a vu la naissance de quelques-unes des plus étonnantes voitures jamais conçues.
46Fatti ImportantiMaserati Quattroporte
Un Trident, quatre portes et trois versions

Jean-Philippe Doret

Maserati SpA

Lancée voici deux ans, la Maserati Quattroporte a comblé un vide historique, et très vite tourvé sa place dans la gamme de la marque au Trident, ainsi qu'auprès de nombreuses personnalités, et pas seulement italiennes, du monde de la politique et du spectacle. Aujourd'hui, deux nouvelles versions rejoignent la berline de base.
50Fatti ImportantiSotheby's at Ferrari

Jérôme Mugnier

Laurent Biet, Jérôme Mugnier

Le 28 juin dernier, Sotheby's a organisé à Maranello une vente aux enchères exceptionnelle regroupant un grand nombre d'objects et de véhicules produits par Ferrari et Maserati. Pour l'occasion, la bâtiment de la "Logistica", un vaste espace implanté au bord de la piste de Fiorano et habituellement occupé par les transporteurs et le matériel de la Scuderia Ferrari, avait été réquisitionné.
Image representing MI0250 - Sotheby's at Ferrari 2005
MI0250 - Sotheby's at Ferrari 2005
Italy, 28 June 2005

58Fatti ImportantiUn nouveau championnat GT en 2006

Jérôme Mugnier

DPPI, Jérôme Mugnier

2006 verra la nuissance du FIA GT3 European Championship, exclusivement réservé à des écuries privées et à exploiter que leurs soeurs aînées des catégories GT1 et GT2. Le décembre, Stéphane Ratel a présenté son nouveau championnat.
60Fatti ImportantiNews of the Year
64Fatti ImportantiOggetti dell'Anno
66Fatti ImportantiFerrari China Red Tour
Le Cheval Cabré et le Dragon Géant

Jean-Philippe Doret

Ferrari SpA

"La Chine constitue notre prochain grand objectif. C'est là-bas que notre plan de développement est le plus important."
Tels étaient dans les colonnes de notre annuel 2004 les mots d'Antoine Ghini, Directeur de la Communication et Image de Marque de Ferrari lors du Mondial de l'Automobile 2004 de Paris, quelques mois après le raid Ferrari Maserati en Russie. Un parfait résumé des enjeux stratégiques actuels de Maranello dans l'Empire du Milieu.
80Fatti ImportantiMaserati Factory
Tradition, modernity & sportivity

Jérôme Mugnier

Laurent Biet, Maserati SpA, Jérôme Mugnier

Au nord-est de Modène, le long de la Viale Ciro Menotti, berceau historique de Maserati depuis son départ de Bologne en 1939, se dresse un building à la façade bleutée surmontée d'un imposant trident rouge. Un immeuble, symbole de renaissance et de mdernité de la marque italienne, devenu au fil du temps un point de repère pour les habitants de la ville, fiers de leur patrimoine automobile et sportif. Au-delà du symbole et de l'esthétique, cette tour de verre de neuf étages abrite tous les départements chargés de faire perdurer la légende: marketing, services commerciaux, merchansing et bien sûr la Direction Générale.
88Fatti ImportantiMaserati Corse

Jérôme Mugnier

Laurent Biet, Maserati SpA, Jérôme Mugnier

Dans le cadre de la renaissance de Maserati, décision a été prise de renouer avec son glorieux passé sportif. La marque italienne s'est dotée d'un département compétition implanté au nord de Modène. Dans ces vastes locaux fontionnels sont assemblées les MC12, fers de lance du Trident. Une voiture conçue en interne sous la direction de Giorgio Ascanelli, Directeur Technique de Maserati Corse.
92CompetizioneFormule One 2005
La fin d'un cycle, la fin d'un duo

Jean-Philippe Doret

Laurent Biet, DPPI, Ferrari SpA

Image representing 76. Gran Premio Vodaphone d'Italia, FIA Formula One World Championship round 15, Italy, 2 - 4 September 2005
Image representing Chinese Grand Prix 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 19, China, 14 - 16 October 2005
Image representing Foster's Australian Grand Prix 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 01, Australia, 3 - 6 March 2005
Image representing Foster's Belgian Grand Prix 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 16, Belgium, 9 - 11 September 2005
Image representing Foster's British Grand Prix 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 11, United Kingdom, 8 - 10 July 2005
Image representing Fuji Television Japanese Grand Prix 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 18, Japan, 9 October 2005
Image representing Gran Premio Marlboro de Espana 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 05, Spain, 6 - 8 May 2005
Image representing Gran Premio Warsteiner di San Marino 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 04, San Marino, 22 - 24 April 2005
Image representing Grand Prix Air Canada 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 08, Canada, 10 - 12 June 2005
Image representing Grand Prix de Monaco 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 06, Monaco, 19 - 22 May 2005
Image representing Grande Premio Marlboro do Brasil 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 17, Brazil, 23 - 25 September 2005
Image representing Grosser Mobil 1 Preis von Deutschland 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 12, Germany, 22 - 24 July 2005
Image representing Gulf Air Bahrain Grand Prix 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 03, Bahrain, 1 - 3 April 2005
Image representing Marlboro Magyar Nagydij 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 13, Hungary, 29 - 31 July 2005
Image representing Mobil 1 Grand Prix de France 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 10, France, 1 - 3 July 2005
Image representing Petronas Malaysian Grand Prix 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 02, Malaysia, 18 - 20 March 2005
Image representing SAP United States Grand Prix 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 09, United States, 17 - 19 June 2005
Image representing Turkish Grand Prix 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 14, Turkey, 19 - 21 August 2005
Image representing Warsteiner Grand Prix of Europe 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 07, Europe, 27 - 29 May 2005
114Competizione24 Heures de Daytona
La preuve par Trois

Jérôme Mugnier

Rainier Ehrhardt, Jérôme Mugnier

Disputées dans le temple de la Nascar, les 24 Heurs de Daytona ont connue ces trois dernières années de profonds changements, sous l'impulsion des organisateurs de la série GrandAm.
Image representing Rolex 24 at Daytona 2005
Rolex 24 at Daytona 2005
Grand American Road Racing Championship round 01, United States, 5 - 6 February 2005

118Competizione12 Heures de Sebring
Maserati en vedette Américaine

Jérôme Mugnier

Rainier Ehrhardt, Christian Vignon

Les 12 Heures de Sebring sone à la série ALMS ce que les 24 Heures de Daytona sont au championnat GrandAm: une course disputée en ouverture de cahmpionnat sur le sol de Floride. Une 53ème édition marquée par l'entrée en piste controversée de la Maserati MC12.
Image representing 53rd Mobil 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring
53rd Mobil 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring
American Le Mans Series round 01, United States, 16 - 19 March 2005

124CompetizioneLa MC12 en ALMS
Une saison pour apprendre

David Legangneux

Rainier Ehrhardt, Maserati SpA

Depuis 1999, année de sa création, la catégorie GTS (devenue GT1 en 2005) de l'ALMS fut dominée par les Chrysler Viper puis les Corvette. Le règne de ces dernières fut cependant contesté par les Saleen S7-R et occasionnellement par les Ferrari 550 Maranello. Pour sa sixième année d'existence, la série américaine de Don Panoz accueillait pour la première fois une Maserati.
128CompetizioneLMES an II: la maturité

Jérôme Mugnier

Lauent Biet, David Legangneux, Jérôme Mugnier, Patrick Payany, Christian Vignon

146CompetizioneLe Cavallino solitaire et la horde au Trident

Jérôme Mugnier

Laurent Biet, John Brooks, DPPI, David Legangneux, Maserati SpA, Jérôme Mugnier, Patrick Payany

180Competizione24 Heures du Mans: 18-19 juin 2005
Les Italiennes ont fait honneur à leur rang

Bruno Vandestick

Laurent Biet, DPPI, Rainier Ehrhardt, David Legangneux, Patrick Payany, Christian Vignon

Pour les Ferrari, toutes engagées en Grand Tourisme, la partie s'annonçait difficile. Un sentiment que le scénario de course a confirmé.
Image representing 73. edition des 24 Heures du Mans, France, 18 - 19 June 2005
Image representing Essais Préliminaires des 24 Heures du Mans 2005
Essais Préliminaires des 24 Heures du Mans 2005
France, 5 June 2005

194CompetizioneLe GT à la sauce extrême-orientale
Japanese GT

David Legangneux

Dans un championnat taillé sur mesure pour les constructeurs japonais, qui y engagent des GT que l'on devrait plutôt qualifier de Silhouettes, les résultats de l'unique Ferrari présente en GT500 sont aux antipodes des succès récoltés en Europe.
Fuji GT 300km 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 06, Japan, 24 - 25 September 2005

Fuji GT 500km 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 02, Japan, 3 - 4 May 2005

Japan GT Championship Malaysia 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 03, Malaysia, 26 June 2005

Motegi GT 300km 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 05, Japan, 4 September 2005

Okayama GT 300km 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 01, Japan, 27 March 2005

SUGO GT 300km 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 04, Japan, 23 - 24 July 2005

Super GT in Kyushu GT 300km 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 07, Japan, 16 October 2005

Super GT Test Day 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 01T, Japan, 14 March 2005

Super GT Test Days 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 02T, Japan, 10 April 2005

Suzuka GT 300km 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 08, Japan, 6 November 2005

196CompetizioneL'Ecosse domine la Grande-Betagne
British GT

David Legangneux

David Legangneux

Avec 11 victoires surs 13 courses, la Scuderia Ecosse a surclassé ses adversaires. A l'intérieur de l'équipe, Nathan Kinch et Andrew Kirkaldy, en signant tous ses succès, ont fait de même face à Tim Mullen et Chris Niarchos. Les deux équipages étaient pourtant à armes égales, chacun pilotant une Ferrari 360 GTC.
198CompetizioneLa Scuderia Italia à domicile
Italian GT

David Legangneux

Ferrari SpA, Maserati SpA

Maserati MC12, Ferrari 550 Maranello Care Racing / Prodrive, Ferrari 575 GTC... Autant de voitures qui font la lois au niveau international, mais aussi en Italia. Avec les deux premières, la Scuderia Italia et Racing Box ont fait main basse sur le championnat et se sont partagés treize des quatorze victories.
Image representing Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni round 03 Vallelunga 2005
Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni round 03 Vallelunga 2005
Campionato Italiano Gran Turismo round 03, Italy, 28 - 29 May 2005

Image representing Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni round 08 Vallelunga 2005
Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni round 08 Vallelunga 2005
Campionato Italiano Gran Turismo round 08, Italy, 14 - 16 October 2005

Image representing Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Hungaroring 2005
Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Hungaroring 2005
Campionato Italiano Gran Turismo round 05, Hungary, 9 - 10 July 2005

Image representing Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Imola 2005
Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Imola 2005
Campionato Italiano Gran Turismo round 01, Italy, 2 - 3 April 2005

Image representing Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Magione 2005
Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Magione 2005
Campionato Italiano Gran Turismo round 06, Italy, 22 - 24 July 2005

Image representing Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Misano 2005
Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Misano 2005
Campionato Italiano Gran Turismo round 02, Italy, 30 April - 1 May 2005

Image representing Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Monza 2005
Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Monza 2005
Campionato Italiano Gran Turismo round 04, Italy, 11 - 12 June 2005

Image representing Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Mugello 2005
Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Mugello 2005
Campionato Italiano Gran Turismo round 07, Italy, 17 - 18 September 2005

200CompetizionePlayteam champion ibérique
Spanish GT

David Legangneux


Comme en Grande-Bretagne, l'équivalent du GT2, ici dénommé GTA, est la catégorie reine et la Ferrari 360 Modena s'y impose. Aussi engagée en Italie, l'équipe Playteam a dmomnié la saison espagnole en remportant la moitié des courses avec un modèle GTC.
Campeonato de España de GT Albacete 2005
Spain, 18 September 2005

Campeonato de España de GT Barcelona 2005
Spain, 11 - 13 November 2005

Campeonato de España de GT Estoril 2005
Portugal, 26 June 2005

Campeonato de España de GT Jarama 2005
Spain, 17 April 2005

Campeonato de España de GT Jerez 2005
Spain, 16 October 2005

Campeonato de España de GT Valencia 2005
Spain, 15 May 2005

202CompetizioneLarbre vice-champion de GT français
French GT

David Legangneux

Reynald Hézard, David Legangneux, Jérôme Mugnier

Devenu la discipline phare des circuit français, le GT-FFSA est l'un des championnats nationaux les plus riche et disputé. Avec l'engagement cette saison d'Alain Prost, la discipline phare des circuits français a reçu un coupe de projecteur supplémentaire.
Image representing Championnat de France FFSA GT | Dijon 2005
Championnat de France FFSA GT | Dijon 2005
FFSA French GT Championship round 04, France, 28 - 29 May 2005

Image representing Championnat de France FFSA GT | Le Mans 2005
Championnat de France FFSA GT | Le Mans 2005
FFSA French GT Championship round 07, France, 24 - 25 September 2005

Image representing Championnat de France FFSA GT | Magny-Cours 2005
Championnat de France FFSA GT | Magny-Cours 2005
FFSA French GT Championship round 08, France, 15 - 16 October 2005

Image representing Championnat de France FFSA GT | Val de Vienne 2005
Championnat de France FFSA GT | Val de Vienne 2005
FFSA French GT Championship round 05, France, 25 - 26 June 2005

Image representing Coupes de Pâques Aurore 2005
Coupes de Pâques Aurore 2005
FFSA French GT Championship round 01, France, 27 - 28 March 2005

Image representing F3 Grand Prix de Pau 2005
F3 Grand Prix de Pau 2005
FFSA French GT Championship round 03, France, 7 - 8 May 2005

Image representing Grand Prix d'Albi 2005
Grand Prix d'Albi 2005
FFSA French GT Championship round 06, France, 3 - 4 September 2005

Image representing Grand Prix de Nîmes - Lédenon 2005
Grand Prix de Nîmes - Lédenon 2005
FFSA French GT Championship round 02, France, 16 - 17 April 2005

204CompetizioneDuel à trois en Challenge européen
Ferrari 360 Modena Challenge

Jean-Philippe Doret

Ferrari SpA, Patrick Payany

Al'instar de ce qu'a vécu Michael Schumacher en Formule 1, la saison 2005 du Challenge européen a mis fin à la domination exercée par le pilote marsaillais Ange Barde, après un duel à trois qui l'a opposé pendant toute la saison à trois qui l'a opposé pendant toute la saison à Michael Cullen, le nouveau champion, et Paddy Shovlin, le duo irlandais de choc du team Rossocorsa.
Image representing Ferrari Challenge - Europe - round 2 2005
Ferrari Challenge - Europe - round 2 2005
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, United Kingdom, 15 May 2005

Image representing Ferrari Challenge - Europe - round 4 2005
Ferrari Challenge - Europe - round 4 2005
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, Czech Republic, 10 July 2005

Image representing Ferrari Challenge - Europe - round 5 2005
Ferrari Challenge - Europe - round 5 2005
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, Germany, 28 August 2005

Image representing Ferrari Challenge - Europe - round 6 2005
Ferrari Challenge - Europe - round 6 2005
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, Italy, 18 September 2005

Image representing Jim Clark Revival 2005
Jim Clark Revival 2005
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, Germany, 24 April 2005

Image representing Spa Ferrari Days | Ferrari Challenge Europe 2005
Spa Ferrari Days | Ferrari Challenge Europe 2005
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, Belgium, 24 - 26 June 2005

208CompetizioneAlberto Cerrari sur l'ultime marche du podium
Trofeo Maserati

Jean-Philippe Doret

Maserati SpA, Patrick Payany

Cette année, les concurrents du Trofeo Vodafone Maserati se sont affrontés au volant d'une nouvelle monture, la GranSport, présentée l'an passé au Salon de Genève.
210CompetizioneShell Historic Ferrari Maserati Challenge

Jean-Philippe Doret

Ferrari SpA, Patrick Payany, Roberto Viva

Si le championnat FIA GT a vu le retour au premier plan de Maserati, les pilotes du Shell Historic ont vaillamment défendu les couleurs du Trident face aux habitués Ferraristes. Cinq d'entre eux livrent leurs impressions à l'issue de chacune des courses du challenge 2005.
Image representing 33. AvD Oldtimer Grand Prix
33. AvD Oldtimer Grand Prix
Historic Challenge EUR round 03, Germany, 12 - 14 August 2005

Image representing Estoril Historic Festival 2005
Estoril Historic Festival 2005
Historic Challenge EUR round 04, Portugal, 9 - 10 October 2005

Image representing Grand Prix de Pau Historique 2005
Grand Prix de Pau Historique 2005
Historic Challenge EUR round 01, France, 14 - 15 May 2005

Image representing Spa Ferrari Maserati Days 2005
Spa Ferrari Maserati Days 2005
Historic Challenge EUR round 02, Belgium, 24 - 26 June 2005

222CompetizioneEnzo Tour
Prélude aux Finali Mondiali
Ce Enzo Tour auro d'abord été un tour de force, car réunir en quelques semaines seulement une cinquantaine de ces modèles d'exception dédiés à la mémoire du Commendatore Enzo Ferrari relève de l'exploit.
224CompetizioneFinali Mondiali 2005
A rendezvouz for past, present and furutre
Les Finali Mondiali 2005 n'ont pas seulement vu le point d'orgue du plus grand rassemblement de Ferrari Enzo jamais organisé depuis sa présentation voici trois ans. Comme le veut la tradition, les championnats Ferrari Maserati se sons chevés sur ce cricuit, propriété et circuit d'essais du Cheval Cabré - hors les murs -.
Image representing Ferrari Challenge - Europe - Finali Mondiali 2005
Ferrari Challenge - Europe - Finali Mondiali 2005
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, Italy, 23 October 2005

Image representing Ferrari Challenge - Italia - Finali Mondiali 2005
Ferrari Challenge - Italia - Finali Mondiali 2005
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, Italy, 23 October 2005

Image representing Ferrari Challenge - USA - Finali Mondiali 2005
Ferrari Challenge - USA - Finali Mondiali 2005
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, Italy, 23 October 2005

Image representing Tutte le ferrari a Mugello (finali mondiali) 2005
Tutte le ferrari a Mugello (finali mondiali) 2005
Historic Challenge EUR round 05, Italy, 22 - 23 October 2005

Les grandes orgues de Maranello

Jérôme Mugnier

Laurent Biet, Jérôme Mugnier, JPM

L'aventure débute en 1987. Fausto Lettieri décide de s'associer à Enrico Ruini pour fonder Tubistyle. Michele Leo les rejoindra par la suite. A l'époque, outre les pots d'échappement, on conçoit et fabrique également des réservoirs d'essence.
238CompetizioneNiki Lauda

Bernard Cahier

Bernard Cahier

Né à Vienne en février 1949, Niki Lauda est issu d'une confortable famille bourgeoise et reçoit une bonne éducation avant de se lancer dans le sport automobile.
250CompetizioneSix artistes pour un monde 2005 en rouge

Jean-Philippe Doret

Ferrari vu en 2005 par six artistes du monde entier: France (François Bruère, Michel Collet, Yahn Janou), Italie (Terzo et Stefano Dalia), Allemange (Uli Ehret) et États-Unis (Dennis Hoyt).
258AvvenimentiCavallino Classic XIV
18-23 January 2005, Palm Beach, Florida, USA

Keith Bluemel

Andreas Dziedzic, Yahn Janou

Le déroulement de la quatorzième édition de Cavallino Classic a respecté sa tradition, et a ainsi offert aux personnes présentes une concentration diversifiée et superbement organisée: beaucoup de temps passé en piste par les participants, rallye touristique, séminaires, les premières manches du championnat North American Historic Ferrari Maserati Challenge, un concours dont une catégorie était cette année réservée aux Alfa Romeo d'avant-guerre, et une autre aux Maserati...
Cavallino Classic XIV | Concours d'Elegance
United States, 22 January 2005

Image representing Cavallino Classic XIV
Cavallino Classic XIV
United States, 18 - 23 January 2005

266AvvenimentiTour Auto 2005
C'est mon Tour!

François Billard

François Billard, Patrick Payany

Avec la même émotion mêlée d'impatience, je rejoins les Invalides et peaufine les dernier préparatifs avant le départ (j'installe un bidon d'essence 5l dans le coffre, glisse sous le siège spray anti-buée, peau de chamois, rouleau de sopalin, Rain-X et chatterton).
276AvvenimentiVilla d'Este 2005

Etienne Vanaret

Etienne Vanaret

Lac de Côme, Villa d'Este... Pour la plupart, ces lieux évoquent au mieux un parfum de vacances Italiennes et de douceur de vivre ou, plus généralement, sont intimement liés à la jet set... Quant aux autres, d'une moue dubitative, ils avoueront à demi-mot leur ignorance. Mais pour quelques initiés, ces mots sont instantanément synonymes de voitures d'exception, de beauté, de luxe et de duoceur de vivre.
282AvvenimentiMille Miglia 2005

Keith Bluemel

Patrick Payany

L'arrivée du printemps, en Italie, nous indique qu'il est temps de suivre les panneaux arborant la flèche rouge, symbole du rally historique des Mille Miglia.
290AvvenimentiMonterey Historic Meeting
Magnificent Monterey

Keith Bluemel

Dirk de Jager, Richard Owen

L'édition 2005 du Monterey Historic Weekend a salué Alfa Romeo. A la fois en exposition et en compétition, la marque au Trèfle a ainsi délégué de superbes modèles, tandis que le 75ème anniversaire de Pininfarina était également célébré grâce à une présentation spéciale de ses modèles les plus rare lors du Concours d'Elégance de Pebble Beach, avec vue sur la mir s'il vous plait.
Russo and Steele | Monterey Auction 2005
United States, 20 August 2005

Image representing (MO05) RM Auctions | Monterey Sports & Classic Car Auction
(MO05) RM Auctions | Monterey Sports & Classic Car Auction
United States, 19 - 20 August 2005

Image representing 32nd Rolex Monterey Historic Automobile Races 2005
32nd Rolex Monterey Historic Automobile Races 2005
United States, 18 - 21 August 2005

300AvvenimentiGoodwood Revival Meeting
16-18 September 2005

Keith Bluemel

Pascal Betmalle, Jean-Louis Moutti, Jérôme Mugnier

Le Goodwood Revival Meeting est probablement le voyage dans le temps et la mémoire à ne pas rater pour les passionnés de sport automobile historique. Un voyage ver les années cinquante et soixante, une époque que d'aucuns considèrent comme l'âge d'or des sports mécaniques.
Image representing 8. Goodwood Revival Meeting
8. Goodwood Revival Meeting
United Kingdom, 16 - 18 September 2005

Jacques Swaters Foundation

Jacques Swaters

It is a great honor to have been chose to introduce this retrospective of an eventful year for Ferrari, a wonderful history, an exceptional passion and a fabulous adventure.
Sometimes when I look back today, I can say that this adventure has been marked by a lot of dates, so many years have passed since its creation. I dedicated my whole life to this adventure, and I would not change anything about it if I had to do it again, as it is for all stories that end well.
2005 was another important year for me, as I had the privilege to inaugurate the Jacques Swaters Foundation after more than twenty years of work, behind the scenes. Through this foundation my wish is to preserve the memory of my privileged relationship with the Commendatore as well as the life of Ecurie Francorchamps, Enzo Ferrari's history and the historical truth.

Max Mosley

2005 was a year of great contract for all Prancing Hore and Trident fans. In Formula One an unexpected twist came out of the new technical regulations, which caused the cessation of Scuderia Ferrari's dominance. On the other hand, endurance and GT racing offered many moments of satisfaction. The Ferrari 550 Maranello and Ferrari 575 GTC were the best possible challengers to the MC12 Maseratis, which heralded a superb racing comback for the Trident in the FIA GT series.

Isabelle de Sadeleer

Whether it be success or failure, Ferrari's history has always been synonymous with excess. In 1975, Niki Lauda brilliantly brought the Scuderia back to the top when he won the first World Champion title, now thirty years later. Michael Schumacher's dominant cycle has just come to an end. However, the Prancing Horse distinguished itself in GT competition during 2005, especially against Maserati which made a superb comeback.
12Fatti ImportantiFerrari Superamerica / F430 Spider
For the Cavallino Rampante 2005 was the year of the convertible. Two new models respresent two different and complementary philisophies for the enjoyment of open air cruising.
The Superamercia was unveiled to some happy few at the 2004 Pebble Beach Concours d'Eelegance and officially presented at the 2005 Detroit Motor Show. This car is the new child of the prestigious dynasty of front-engined V12 GTs born in Maranello.
22Fatti importantiThe Revocromico by its inventor
Ferrari Superamerica

Leonardo Fioravanti

There was great interest from car industry managers and journalists at the presentation of the Alfa Romeo Vola at the 2001 Geneva Motor Show. One of the first to come on our stand was Mr. Felisa, Ferrari's General Manager, and a tthe end of the following year we received an official request from Ferrari to study the application of our patent on a car from Maranello.
26Fatti ImportantiFerrari F430 Challenge
The Ferrari 430 Challenge is derived from the 8-cylinder berlinetta and keeps the same general appearance and 490 hp[ engine as the street version. The F430 is the perfect continuity to the Challenge breed and uses some Formula One derived technology. Along with the regularly featured electronic gearchange system, whilst a premiereon a challenge model is the CCM (carbon ceramic material) braking system.
27Fatti ImportantiGG50 by Giugiaro

Jean-Philippe Doret

Ferrari SpA

While Pininfarina celebrated the 75th anniversary this year with the spectacular Birdcage 75th Maserati, Ferrari was the partner for the 50th anniversary of Giorgietto Giugiaro's car design activities with the GG50.
28Fatti ImportantiFerrari FXX: For Exclusive Experts
Happy Birthday Switzerland!

Jean-Philippe Doret

Patrick Payany

Exclusivity has a dual meaning... on November 24, 2005, no less than 500 guests enjoyed the hospitality of Modena Cars situated near Lake Léman, to celebrate the first anniversary of this Ferrari Maserati dealership. As a salute to this celebration, the Ferrari Maserati dealership. As a solute to this celebration, the Ferrari factory sent its latest models featuring the FXX and the F30 Challenge, for them to be officially presented to the guests.
30Fatti ImportantiBeing a (gentlemen) test drivers
FXX Program

Jean-Philippe Doret

Patrick Payany

The FXX's stange concept but also exciting mission, is to involve Ferrari's most valued clients as genuine Cavallino Rampante Test Drivers. After a careful order selection precoess, every client who signs up for the FXX project by purchasing one of the 29 cars built, will actually be joining Team Ferrari, and will have his driving expriences at the wheel of this new car monitored directly by the Prancing Horse's technicians and specialists.
34Fatti ImportantiNow Concepts for the Myth

Jean-Philippe Doret

Ferrari SpA

Apart from its racing history, the legend of the Prancing Horse also relies upon the talents of desiners who have realized motorized street sculptures from the past, for the present and into the future. So this year the historical partners Ferrari and Piininfarina organised a contest named New Concept for the Myth.
36Fatti ImportantiMaserati Birdcage 75th
Best of the past, best of the future

Jean-Philippe Doret

Maserati SpA, DR

Where as Pininfarina's 75th anniversary is celebrated this year, the Birdcage 75th pays tribute to the historical tradition of extreme sports prototypes which enchanted the Fifties, Sixties and early Seventies. In thos days, a car design had not year become some kind of "pre-market study". This was an optimistic and creative era, which gave birth to some of the most astounding and beautiful cars ever designed.
46Fatti ImportantiMaserati Quattroporte
A Trident, four doors and three version

Jean-Philippe Doret

Maserati SpA

The Quattroporte was launched two years ago and filles a gap in Maserati's history. It also made its own way in the range of the Trident and also thanks to Italian and foreign VIPs from politics and show business. In 2005 two new versions are presented this year in addition to the original model.
50Fatti ImportantiSotheby's at Ferrari

Jérôme Mugnier

Laurent Biet, Jérôme Mugnier

On June 28, 2005 in Maranello, Sotheby's organised an exceptional auction sale gathering many objects and cars produced by Ferrari and Maserati in the "Logistica" building, a vast space located on the edge of the Fiorano track and used usually occupied by the trucks and material of the Scuderia Ferrari.
Image representing MI0250 - Sotheby's at Ferrari 2005
MI0250 - Sotheby's at Ferrari 2005
Italy, 28 June 2005

58Fatti ImportantiA new GT championship in 2006

Jérôme Mugnier

DPPI, Jérôme Mugnier

2006 will see the birth of the FIA GT3 European Championship, exclusively dedicated to private teams and cars closer to the production versions, which will provide a lower capital expenditure than the "elder sisters" of the GT1 and GT2 classes.
60Fatti ImportantiNews of the Year
64Fatti ImportantiOggetti dell'Anno
66Fatti ImportantiFerrari China Red Tour
Prancing Horse, Giant Dragon

Jean-Philippe Doret

Ferrari SpA

"Our next target is China. Our biggest plans for development are being processed out there for the moment."
A few months afgter the Ferrari Maserati Northern European Tour to Russia, this statement by Antonio Ghini, Head of Ferrari's communication and brand management division, in the pages of our 2004 yearbook, outlined a stategy still under development in Maranello.
80Fatti ImportantiMaserati Factory
Tradition, modernity & sportivity

Jérôme Mugnier

Laurent Biet, Maserati SpA, Jérôme Mugnier

In the north east part of Modena, along the Viale Ciro Menotti, Maserati's historic place of reisdence since the marque left Bologna in 1939, stand a building with a blue facade topped by a massive red trident. This building represents the rebirth and modernity of the Italian constructor, which has become a symbol for the local inhabitants, who are proud of this motoring heritage. Apart from this symbol, this 9-floor glass tower hosts all the departments in charge of continuing this legend: marketing, commercial services, merchandising and of course general managment.
88Fatti ImportantiMaserati Corse

Jérôme Mugnier

Laurent Biet, Maserati SpA, Jérôme Mugnier

As part of the rebirth of Maserati, the decision was taken to re-establish a link with its glorious racing history. Thus the Italian marque set up a Competition Department, based in the north of Modena. In these expansive and efficient buildings, the spearhead of the trident's racing effort, the MC12, is built. A car conceived internally under the supervision of Giorgio Ascanelli, the Technical Director of Maserati Corse.
92CompetizioneFormule One 2005
The end of a cycle, the end of a duet

Jean-Philippe Doret

Laurent Biet, DPPI, Ferrari SpA

Image representing 76. Gran Premio Vodaphone d'Italia, FIA Formula One World Championship round 15, Italy, 2 - 4 September 2005
Image representing Chinese Grand Prix 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 19, China, 14 - 16 October 2005
Image representing Foster's Australian Grand Prix 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 01, Australia, 3 - 6 March 2005
Image representing Foster's Belgian Grand Prix 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 16, Belgium, 9 - 11 September 2005
Image representing Foster's British Grand Prix 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 11, United Kingdom, 8 - 10 July 2005
Image representing Fuji Television Japanese Grand Prix 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 18, Japan, 9 October 2005
Image representing Gran Premio Marlboro de Espana 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 05, Spain, 6 - 8 May 2005
Image representing Gran Premio Warsteiner di San Marino 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 04, San Marino, 22 - 24 April 2005
Image representing Grand Prix Air Canada 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 08, Canada, 10 - 12 June 2005
Image representing Grand Prix de Monaco 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 06, Monaco, 19 - 22 May 2005
Image representing Grande Premio Marlboro do Brasil 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 17, Brazil, 23 - 25 September 2005
Image representing Grosser Mobil 1 Preis von Deutschland 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 12, Germany, 22 - 24 July 2005
Image representing Gulf Air Bahrain Grand Prix 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 03, Bahrain, 1 - 3 April 2005
Image representing Marlboro Magyar Nagydij 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 13, Hungary, 29 - 31 July 2005
Image representing Mobil 1 Grand Prix de France 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 10, France, 1 - 3 July 2005
Image representing Petronas Malaysian Grand Prix 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 02, Malaysia, 18 - 20 March 2005
Image representing SAP United States Grand Prix 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 09, United States, 17 - 19 June 2005
Image representing Turkish Grand Prix 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 14, Turkey, 19 - 21 August 2005
Image representing Warsteiner Grand Prix of Europe 2005, FIA Formula One World Championship round 07, Europe, 27 - 29 May 2005
114Competizione24 Heures de Daytona
The power of three Prancing Horse

Jérôme Mugnier

Rainier Ehrhardt, Jérôme Mugnier

The Daytona 24 Hours Race is run in the temple of the Nascar and has experienced deep changes over the past three years, upon the initiative of the promotors of the GrandAm series.
Image representing Rolex 24 at Daytona 2005
Rolex 24 at Daytona 2005
Grand American Road Racing Championship round 01, United States, 5 - 6 February 2005

118Competizione12 Heures de Sebring
Maserati's American comeback

Jérôme Mugnier

Rainier Ehrhardt, Christian Vignon

The Sebring 12 Hours Race is the opening round of the American Le Mans Series (ALMS), as was the Datyona 24 Hours for the GrandAm championship a month earlier. Although both circuits are located in Florida, Sebring is located on an old airfield, whilst Daytona is a purpose built oval facility with an infield section. This 53th edition was marked by the controversial entry of the MC12 Maserati.
Image representing 53rd Mobil 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring
53rd Mobil 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring
American Le Mans Series round 01, United States, 16 - 19 March 2005

124CompetizioneThe MC12 in ALMS
A year of learning

David Legangneux

Rainier Ehrhardt, Maserati SpA

Since its creation in 1999, the GTS class (renamed GT in 2005) in the ALMS was dominated by the Chrysler Vipers and the Corvettes. However the latter was challenged by the S7-R Saleens and occasionally by the Ferrari 550 Maranellos.
In its sixth year of existence, the American series initiated by Don Panoz, welcomed a Maserati for the first time.
128CompetizioneLMES year two: maturity

Jérôme Mugnier

Lauent Biet, David Legangneux, Jérôme Mugnier, Patrick Payany, Christian Vignon

146CompetizioneThe lonesome Cavallino and the Trident bunch

Jérôme Mugnier

Laurent Biet, John Brooks, DPPI, David Legangneux, Maserati SpA, Jérôme Mugnier, Patrick Payany

180Competizione24 Heures du Mans: June 18-19, 2005
The Italians were up to expectations

Bruno Vandestick

Laurent Biet, DPPI, Rainier Ehrhardt, David Legangneux, Patrick Payany, Christian Vignon

All the Ferraris were entered in the GT classes and expected a difficult race. This impression was confirmed during the course of the 24 hours.
Image representing 73. edition des 24 Heures du Mans, France, 18 - 19 June 2005
Image representing Essais Préliminaires des 24 Heures du Mans 2005
Essais Préliminaires des 24 Heures du Mans 2005
France, 5 June 2005

194CompetizioneGT as seen from the Far East
Japanese GT

David Legangneux

The Japanese Super GT series is tailored to suit the Japanese constructors. Their GTs look much more like Silhouettes, so the result of the only Ferrari entered in the GT500 class were totally different to the victories scored by this model in the European series.
Fuji GT 300km 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 06, Japan, 24 - 25 September 2005

Fuji GT 500km 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 02, Japan, 3 - 4 May 2005

Japan GT Championship Malaysia 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 03, Malaysia, 26 June 2005

Motegi GT 300km 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 05, Japan, 4 September 2005

Okayama GT 300km 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 01, Japan, 27 March 2005

SUGO GT 300km 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 04, Japan, 23 - 24 July 2005

Super GT in Kyushu GT 300km 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 07, Japan, 16 October 2005

Super GT Test Day 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 01T, Japan, 14 March 2005

Super GT Test Days 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 02T, Japan, 10 April 2005

Suzuka GT 300km 2005
All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship round 08, Japan, 6 November 2005

196CompetizioneScotland dominates Great Britain
British GT

David Legangneux

David Legangneux

With eleven victories out of thirteen events, Scuderia Ecosse clearly outclassed all its competitors, as did Nathan Kunch and Andrew Kirkaldy with their team mates Tim Mullen and Chris Niarchos, both pairings using identical 360 GTC Ferraris.
198CompetizioneHome victory for Scuderia Italia
Italian GT

David Legangneux

Ferrari SpA, Maserati SpA

The Maserati MC12s, the Care Racing / Prodrive Ferrari 550 Maranellos and Ferrari 575 GTCs wre the dominant cars in international GT events during 2005. The same was the case in the Italian GT series, with the MC12 and the Scuderia Italia 550 Maranello scoring 13 wins out of 14 rounds.
Image representing Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni round 03 Vallelunga 2005
Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni round 03 Vallelunga 2005
Campionato Italiano Gran Turismo round 03, Italy, 28 - 29 May 2005

Image representing Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni round 08 Vallelunga 2005
Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni round 08 Vallelunga 2005
Campionato Italiano Gran Turismo round 08, Italy, 14 - 16 October 2005

Image representing Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Hungaroring 2005
Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Hungaroring 2005
Campionato Italiano Gran Turismo round 05, Hungary, 9 - 10 July 2005

Image representing Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Imola 2005
Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Imola 2005
Campionato Italiano Gran Turismo round 01, Italy, 2 - 3 April 2005

Image representing Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Magione 2005
Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Magione 2005
Campionato Italiano Gran Turismo round 06, Italy, 22 - 24 July 2005

Image representing Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Misano 2005
Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Misano 2005
Campionato Italiano Gran Turismo round 02, Italy, 30 April - 1 May 2005

Image representing Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Monza 2005
Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Monza 2005
Campionato Italiano Gran Turismo round 04, Italy, 11 - 12 June 2005

Image representing Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Mugello 2005
Campionato Italiano GT Sara Assicurazioni | Mugello 2005
Campionato Italiano Gran Turismo round 07, Italy, 17 - 18 September 2005

200CompetizionePlayteam wins the Spanish title
Spanish GT

David Legangneux


As with the British GT series, GTA (the equivalent of GT2) was the major class and was won by a Ferrari 360 GT entered by Playteam. They also ran in the Italian GT series and dominated the Spanish championship, winning half of the 2005 races with their Ferrari 360 GTC.
Campeonato de España de GT Albacete 2005
Spain, 18 September 2005

Campeonato de España de GT Barcelona 2005
Spain, 11 - 13 November 2005

Campeonato de España de GT Estoril 2005
Portugal, 26 June 2005

Campeonato de España de GT Jarama 2005
Spain, 17 April 2005

Campeonato de España de GT Jerez 2005
Spain, 16 October 2005

Campeonato de España de GT Valencia 2005
Spain, 15 May 2005

202CompetizioneLarbre the French GT runner-up
French GT

David Legangneux

Reynald Hézard, David Legangneux, Jérôme Mugnier

The GT FFSA is one of the most eventful and challenging national GT championships, and one of the major series on French circuits, whilst it also enjoyed extra media coverage this year becuase of the presence of Alain Prost.
Image representing Championnat de France FFSA GT | Dijon 2005
Championnat de France FFSA GT | Dijon 2005
FFSA French GT Championship round 04, France, 28 - 29 May 2005

Image representing Championnat de France FFSA GT | Le Mans 2005
Championnat de France FFSA GT | Le Mans 2005
FFSA French GT Championship round 07, France, 24 - 25 September 2005

Image representing Championnat de France FFSA GT | Magny-Cours 2005
Championnat de France FFSA GT | Magny-Cours 2005
FFSA French GT Championship round 08, France, 15 - 16 October 2005

Image representing Championnat de France FFSA GT | Val de Vienne 2005
Championnat de France FFSA GT | Val de Vienne 2005
FFSA French GT Championship round 05, France, 25 - 26 June 2005

Image representing Coupes de Pâques Aurore 2005
Coupes de Pâques Aurore 2005
FFSA French GT Championship round 01, France, 27 - 28 March 2005

Image representing F3 Grand Prix de Pau 2005
F3 Grand Prix de Pau 2005
FFSA French GT Championship round 03, France, 7 - 8 May 2005

Image representing Grand Prix d'Albi 2005
Grand Prix d'Albi 2005
FFSA French GT Championship round 06, France, 3 - 4 September 2005

Image representing Grand Prix de Nîmes - Lédenon 2005
Grand Prix de Nîmes - Lédenon 2005
FFSA French GT Championship round 02, France, 16 - 17 April 2005

204CompetizioneA trio for a duel in the European Challenge
Ferrari 360 Modena Challenge

Jean-Philippe Doret

Ferrari SpA, Patrick Payany

Ange Barde experienced the same situation as Michael Schuamcher in Formula One, as the domination of French driver from marseille in the European challenge ended after a duel throughout the season with Michael Cullen, who became the 2005 season, and Paddy Shovlin, the muscular Irish pair of the Rossocorsa team.
Image representing Ferrari Challenge - Europe - round 2 2005
Ferrari Challenge - Europe - round 2 2005
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, United Kingdom, 15 May 2005

Image representing Ferrari Challenge - Europe - round 4 2005
Ferrari Challenge - Europe - round 4 2005
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, Czech Republic, 10 July 2005

Image representing Ferrari Challenge - Europe - round 5 2005
Ferrari Challenge - Europe - round 5 2005
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, Germany, 28 August 2005

Image representing Ferrari Challenge - Europe - round 6 2005
Ferrari Challenge - Europe - round 6 2005
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, Italy, 18 September 2005

Image representing Jim Clark Revival 2005
Jim Clark Revival 2005
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, Germany, 24 April 2005

Image representing Spa Ferrari Days | Ferrari Challenge Europe 2005
Spa Ferrari Days | Ferrari Challenge Europe 2005
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, Belgium, 24 - 26 June 2005

208CompetizioneAlberto Cerrari's ultimate step on the podium
Trofeo Maserati

Jean-Philippe Doret

Maserati SpA, Patrick Payany

This year the Trofeo Vodafone Maserati contenders raced with a new car, the GranSport, which was presented at the Geneva Motor Show last year.
210CompetizioneShell Historic Ferrari Maserati Challenge

Jean-Philippe Doret

Ferrari SpA, Patrick Payany, Roberto Viva

Maserati came back to the top in the FIA GT series whereas some of the Shell Historic drivers raced brilliantly with their Trident against the Ferrari regulars. Comments from five Maserti drivers about each of the five 2005 historic challenge events.
Image representing 33. AvD Oldtimer Grand Prix
33. AvD Oldtimer Grand Prix
Historic Challenge EUR round 03, Germany, 12 - 14 August 2005

Image representing Estoril Historic Festival 2005
Estoril Historic Festival 2005
Historic Challenge EUR round 04, Portugal, 9 - 10 October 2005

Image representing Grand Prix de Pau Historique 2005
Grand Prix de Pau Historique 2005
Historic Challenge EUR round 01, France, 14 - 15 May 2005

Image representing Spa Ferrari Maserati Days 2005
Spa Ferrari Maserati Days 2005
Historic Challenge EUR round 02, Belgium, 24 - 26 June 2005

222CompetizioneEnzo Tour
A prelude to the Finali Mondiali
The Enzo Tour was synonymous with a "mission (almost) impossible", because gathering more than fifty of these exclusive models dedicated to the memory of Enzo Ferrari in only a few weeks was a superb effort.
224CompetizioneFinali Mondiali 2005
A rendezvouz for past, present and furutre
The 2005 World Finals not only saw the climax of the most important gathering of Enzo Ferraris ever organised since the presentation of this model three years ago, but also the public presentation of its circuit use only derivative, the FXX. The great tradition of this season end weekend was respected and the Ferrari-owned Mugello circuit featured the closing rounds of the various Ferrari Maserati Challenge series, and F1 display laps.
Image representing Ferrari Challenge - Europe - Finali Mondiali 2005
Ferrari Challenge - Europe - Finali Mondiali 2005
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, Italy, 23 October 2005

Image representing Ferrari Challenge - Italia - Finali Mondiali 2005
Ferrari Challenge - Italia - Finali Mondiali 2005
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, Italy, 23 October 2005

Image representing Ferrari Challenge - USA - Finali Mondiali 2005
Ferrari Challenge - USA - Finali Mondiali 2005
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, Italy, 23 October 2005

Image representing Tutte le ferrari a Mugello (finali mondiali) 2005
Tutte le ferrari a Mugello (finali mondiali) 2005
Historic Challenge EUR round 05, Italy, 22 - 23 October 2005

The pipe organs from Maranello

Jérôme Mugnier

Laurent Biet, Jérôme Mugnier, JPM

Thanks to a network of exclusive importers, Tubistyle is present in thirty countries. Products are on sale through specialists and dealerships responsible for mounting the inox systems chosen by clients. Tubistyle's ethic is to promote the quality of service.
238CompetizioneNiki Lauda

Bernard Cahier

Bernard Cahier

Born in Vienna in 1949, Niki Lauda comes from a wealthy family and started his motoring career after receiving an upper class education.
250CompetizioneSix artists for the 2005 world in red

Jean-Philippe Doret

Ferrari as seen in 2005 by six artists worldwide: France (François Bruère, Michel Collet, Yah Janou), Italy (Terzo et Stefano Dalia), Germany (Uli Ehret) and the United States (Dennis Hoyt).
258AvvenimentiCavallino Classic XIV
18-23 January 2005, Palm Beach, Florida, USA

Keith Bluemel

Andreas Dziedzic, Yahn Janou

The fourteenth running of the Cavallino Classic followed its traditional format of providing attendees with a superbly organized and varied gathering. There was plentiful participant track time, a touring rally, seminars, the first rounds of the North American Historic Challenge series, a full concours field which this year has a class for pre-war Alfa Romeos and another for Maseratis.
Cavallino Classic XIV | Concours d'Elegance
United States, 22 January 2005

Image representing Cavallino Classic XIV
Cavallino Classic XIV
United States, 18 - 23 January 2005

266AvvenimentiTour Auto 2005
A Tour of my own

François Billard

François Billard, Patrick Payany

It's Tour Auto time as I arrive at Les Invalides, once again with the usual feeling of emotion and impatience. Once there, I take care of the last details of preparation before the start. I put a 5-litre petrol can into the trunk and an anti-condensation spray under the seat, and I also think about taking a chamois leather, kitchen paper, Rain-X and friction tape.
276AvvenimentiVilla d'Este 2005

Etienne Vanaret

Etienne Vanaret

Lake Como, Villa d'Este... For the great majority of people, these names suggest the unique flavour of holidays in Italy and the dolce vita (let us say the qually unique Italian sweet lifestyle), generally related to the jet set ... While others only confess their ignorance. But in the minds of a happy-few these locations are instantly synonymous with exclusive cars, beauty and luxury.
282AvvenimentiMille Miglia 2005

Keith Bluemel

Patrick Payany

Spring in Italy means that it is once again time to follow the sign of the "Red Arrow", the symbol of the Mille Miglia classic car rally.
290AvvenimentiMonterey Historic Meeting
Magnificent Monterey

Keith Bluemel

Dirk de Jager, Richard Owen

The 2005 edition of the Monterey Historic Weekend has Alfa Romeo as the featured marque, and there were a number of superb examples withing the ranks displayed and raced, whilst the 75th Anniversary of Pininfarina was also celebrated with a special Oceanside display of some of their rarer offerings at the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance.
Russo and Steele | Monterey Auction 2005
United States, 20 August 2005

Image representing (MO05) RM Auctions | Monterey Sports & Classic Car Auction
(MO05) RM Auctions | Monterey Sports & Classic Car Auction
United States, 19 - 20 August 2005

Image representing 32nd Rolex Monterey Historic Automobile Races 2005
32nd Rolex Monterey Historic Automobile Races 2005
United States, 18 - 21 August 2005

300AvvenimentiGoodwood Revival Meeting
16-18 September 2005

Keith Bluemel

Pascal Betmalle, Jean-Louis Moutti, Jérôme Mugnier

The Goodwood Revival Meeting is probably the ultimate tips down memory lane for classic motor sport enthusiasts, to what many people consider to be the halcyon days of motor sport during the fifties and sixties.
Image representing 8. Goodwood Revival Meeting
8. Goodwood Revival Meeting
United Kingdom, 16 - 18 September 2005
