Prancing Horse issue 55

no. 55 - Fall 1978

LanguageAmerican English language icon American English
EditorManfred Lampe
PublishingFerrari Club of America
Dimensions32 pages, 216 x 280 mm

Cover of Prancing Horse issue 55, no. 55 - Fall 1978

Table of Contents

2Editor's Page

Jean Francois Marchet

4Ferrari wins at the Glen!
... and Long Beach, and Montreal!

Manfred Lampe

Dennis Caetta

Unchallenged from the third lap to the finish. Carlos Reutemann completed the American double: Long Beach and Watkins Glen.
8The First Ferrari V-6

Michael T. Lynch

At the beginning of 1958, no rear-engined car had won a post-war Grand Prix. After the 1960 Italian Grand Prix, no front-engined car would win one. During this time, Ferrari was rejecting as unsuitable such state of the art features as disc brakes, alloy wheels and rear engine placement.
16TechnoteOptical Breakerless Distributor
22The Daytona
Will Ferrari's last front engined Masterpiece ever be beaten?

John Miles (AutoCar)

This article was submitted by FCA member Hugh Edgley from London, England. The author of the article, John Miles, drove Formula 1 for Lotus in 1969 and 1970. He was second driver to Jochen Rindt who was the 1970 World Champion.
26Regional EventsGarage Tour 1978
Central States Region

Roger Meiners

The latest FCA Garage tour, held in the Detroit, Michigan area, displayed two Ford GT's, an AMX 3, a 1907 Mercedes, a 1932 Packard Dual Cowl Phaeton and the worlds only Volvo 122 wagon with license places that read "Fazzaz"... Wait a minute, I did say Ferrari Club garage tour, did I not?
26Regional EventsDaytona Spring 1978
Florida Region

Jim Crosby

Jim Fowells, Terry Beye, John Farina

After the Daytona Spring '77 the Regional Board Members talked about how great it was with 43 Ferrari's at the track & Concourse and over 100 people. How could we do any better?
28The Four Liter Prototypes

Michael T. Lynch

After four years of the three liter sports car formula, three of which Ferrari dominated, the FIA announced that the 1962 Constructor's Championship would be rung for GT cars. Sports racers were still allowed and the limit for prototypes was raised to four liters but these cars were not eligible for championship points.